Thursday, July 22, 2010

Boof's Week 7: Vegan Special

This week, each Rapist must buy 5 vegan ingredients, which were then drawn out of a hat. From said hat, Boof recieved: delicious felafel, tasty creamed corn, surprising multigrain Weetbix, amazing cherry tomatoes, and unusal rice wine vinegar.

After hours of deep thought, Boof decided to forgo creativity, and go for taste, as he was still dazed from last week's ordeal.

So, after carefully making sure that the oil was vegan, he fried up the crumbled felafel, then chucked in some rice wine vinegar. Next, the tin of creamed corn went into the pan, making it look like some freaky industrial experiment gone wrong. Then, the tomatoes were diced, and chucked in the pan as well. Boof cooked this mess up for a minute, then spooned it onto some Weetbix, and warmed the whole mess up in the oven.

Overall, it didn't look too bad, in a vomit-piled-on-weetbix kind of way. 7 for presentation. Creativity was settled on a solid 8. The taste portion of the testing was the most surprising. This shit actually tasted good! Though it was ridiculously dry, it tasted alright. So alright, in fact, that both Rapists spooned some mixture into one of Michal's tortillas, with some sweet chilli sauce and cheese.

All up, Boof walks away with a solid 22 for week 7.

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