Monday, May 31, 2010


Due to unforeseen getting-beaten-ups, FoodRape 2010 Round 3 will be postponed till later this week. Like, Thursday or Friday. Or something.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week Two (Boof)

The ingredients which Michal bought for Boof were: Tinned Spaghetti, Bacon, an Onion, Walnut & Ginger Cheese, and Sultanas.

Boof used margerine to grease a muffin tin, and lined it with bacon. He diced the remaining bacon and onion, and mixed it with the tinned spaghetti, with shredded tasty cheese. This mixture was placed in the middle of the bacon cups, and the whole thing was placed in the oven. The remaining mixture was heated over the stove, with pepper and a tiny bit of tomato paste added for taste. Dessert was diced walnut & ginger cheese, with sultanas and pure maple syrup.

One of the bacon cups worked perfectly; the other three didn't work. Boof spread the four bacon cups around the plate, and poured the remaining spaghetti in between. Rocket was sprinkled over the top, to make it look not-awful. The dessert fared better however; although no-one like the walnut & ginger cheese except for Boof.

In the end, Boof recieved a 7/10 for creativity; this is because Michal would never have thought of making bacon cupcakes. In the end, however, it turned out to just be fancy tinned spaghetti. Another 7/10 was awarded for presentation, because the dessert looked pretty cool, and the one bacon cupcake looked fantastic; but the rest looked like vomit.
Finally, a 7/10 was awarded for taste. The spaghetti, despite being merely fancy tinned spaghetti, was great. Despite this, it was merely fancy spaghetti. And, no-one liked the cheese which Michal had bought.
So Boof gets a 21/30 for the week.

In total...
Boof is on a total of 43 out of 60
Michal is on a total of 45 out of 60

Close Game!

Week Two (Michal)

In week two, Michal felt the repercussions of presenting Boof a tin of Milo in week one. This week, Michal was presented with the challenge of using Garlic and Roasted Tomato Paste, a Can of Minted Peas, Sweet Chili Philly Dip, Basil and Rosemary Vegie Sausages and a Fucking Coconut... A FUCKING COCONUT!... .... ... ........

Firstly, Michal decided that he would need some special kitchen utensils a.k.a the tool bag from the boot of his car. Michal firstly used a screwdriver and a hammer to poke a hole in the coconut to retrieve the milk. Much to his (and Boof's) surprise, there was no milk... Shame... He then proceeded to beat the coconut with a hammer for a minute until it cracked roughly in half. He took the smaller half and stabbed it with a knife for a couple of minutes to extract some of the inner coconut or coconut guts. He then gathered those guts and grated them and placed the gratings into a bowl.

He proceeded to cut up his Veggie sausages into smaller pieces and fried them in the pan. While it was frying, he put a dash of salt, pepper and surprise herb (no idea what it is). Once the sausages were almost cooked, he threw two handfuls of minted peas into the frying pan in the hope of lightly frying them and retaining some of that taste and getting rid of some of that disgusting stupid minted taste (Michal hates Minted Peas). He then put two tablespoons of Sweet Chili Philly into the bigger half of the Coconut piece and put some grated coconut over the top of the dip. He then put a small amount of un-fried peas on top of the dip to really add some colour. He then placed the peas and sausage on the place, placed the coconut bowl with the dip on the place and then put the tomato paste on the side of plate. It is there to mix with the peas to once again, abolish some of that harsh minted pea taste.

Overall, Michal scored an average score this week, slightly less than his first week. For Presentation, Michal's scored 8. The use of the coconut was a very nice touch, there was plenty of colour and it looked quite intriguing. Michal scored a 7 out of 10 for creativity. The reason being is purely because of the way he utilised his ingredients without using any other ingredients to add to the meal. Finally, Michal received a 6 out of 10 for the taste. The minted peas tasted like ass no matter what you did to it, the sausages were great and the sweet chiliy philly dip with coconut was another surprising combination. It seems that Michal has been able to successfully combine odd ingredients two weeks in a row. Michal finishes week 2 with a score of 21.

So far, Michal is up to 45 out of 60 points.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week One (Boof)

Today, Boof was presented with his 5 ingredients, as chosen by Michal. His ingredients included 3 Dirty Potatoes, 1 Avocado, Pancake Mixture, a Tin of Milo and Feta Cheese. An interesting challenge and we shall see what he is able to come up with.

First, Boof washed and peeled two potatoes, then left them on the stove to boil. The last potato he washed, peeled and grated. He mixed the avocado and grated potato in a fry pan, with some oil, and fried it slowly.
Once the potato was semi-crispy, Boof combined the pancake mix, potato and avocado in a bowl, and then poured it into the frying pan. By this time to potatoes were done, and he mashed the potato up with some milk and a soup spoon of milo. However, he used too much milk, so put the whole mixture back on the stove to reduce it down to something resembling mashed potato.
He then put it all on a plate, with shaved fetta and rocket to garnish.

Boof's final dish consisted of a milo infused mashed potato with a lump of pancake mixed with avocado and potato, topped off with grated feta cheese and rocket. To be honest, the dish did look like someone had taken a shit, thrown up on it and then came all over it. But in saying that, it did encompass colour unlike Michal's dish and the appearance was surprisingly intriguing for clump of shit. Boof scored a 6 out of 10 for his Presentation. It was a mutual agreement that the creativity of this dish was phenomenal and he scored a 9 out of 10. Now, the interesting part... The pancake tasted pretty good, it was a nice mix of ingredients but the texture really let it down. The Milo Mashed Potatoes also had a strange texture, but one that was most welcoming to the palette. The taste of the potatoes however, confused both Boof and Michal. For taste, we believed that a 7 out of 10 was acceptable. This brings Boof's total for week one to 22.

Week one results
Michal - 24
Boof - 22

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week One (Michal)

First week of FoodRape 2010 and Michal was given the challenge of cooking a meal using Mi-Goreng, Vegie Burgers, 1 Apple, Pumpkin Cuppasoup and Canned Corn.

He decided to cook the Mi-Goreng as per usual and then added a quarter of a shredded apple and corn. He cooked 2 Veggie burgers as per normal on the pan and cooking oil. As a pumpkin style gravy, he used two packets of the Pumpkin Cuppasoup and mixed it with half a mug (yes he used a mug as a measuring utensil) of soy milk and a teaspoon of butter. Boiled it for a long period of time until it thickened. Just before serving, he added another quarter mug of soy milk and stirred it in till the sauce loosened up in consistency.

He then used the rest of the apple and attempted to caramelise the apple in a frying pan with sugar, butter and cooking oil. He had no idea how to camerlise but knew that it sounded fancy and involved some form of brandy. Because he does not own brandy... he decided that butter and cooking oil may do the trick. He added sugar to that and kept cooking until things began to smell. He served his applecrap with maple syrup in the hope that it would retain some flavour.

All up, Michal scored 8 out of 10 for Presentation because the dishes did not encompass any colour apart from brown and orange (diarrhoea central). He received 9/10 for creativity even thou he cooked the Mi-Goreng as per usual, the choice to add shredded apples to the noodles and also not to mention that the sauce made from soy milk and pumpkin Cuppasoup turned out to be edible, tasty and a nice touch to the meal. And finally, Michal received a 7/10 for taste. His desert was terrible..., but the noodles and Veggie burger with Pumpkin Cuppasoup Sauce were surprising in taste and no food poisoning has occured thus far.

All up, after the first week, Michal has scored 24/30. Therefore, his first week can be dubbed a success.


As FoodRape 2010 is such a prestigious competition, there are very strict rules.

Each week, each contestant buys five ingredients that the other contestant must use in their meal.
The budget for each contestant per week is AU$15.
All five ingredients much be used in each meal. The five ingredients are allowed to be spread over two courses. i.e., dinner and dessert.
Other ingredients may be used to compliment the five main ingredients, or to help in their cooking. Eg, sugar, oil, butter, etc.
The five ingredients must be somehow odd, or unusual.
Each contestant gets one "phone-a-friend" lifeline per meal.
Contestants are not allowed to look up recipes, or use the internet as a reference.

At the end, each meal is judged on presentation, creativity and taste. These are tallied into a score out of thirty.


After a grueling selection process, two FoodRapists have been chosen for this prestigious competition.

Our first FoodRapist is Michal.

Michal is a 20-year-old male who hails from the 'hoods of Narre Warren. After a stint in Barwon Prison, he is ready to stop raping men and start Raping Food. Michal's favourite things include going to your local public toilet and writing offensive graffiti on the walls with his own faeces. He can usually be found watching MMA and drinking cement from his favourite mug. Michal is a vegetarian, as there are no animals brutal enough for him to eat.

Our second FoodRapist is Boof.

Boof is 21-years-old and from the wild mountains of Echuca. After a disastrous drunken rampage, Boof was run out of town. He lived off the land for 5 years, killing and eating tourists, before he settled in Geelong. Boof's favourite things include wearing animal skins and taunting the cheetahs at the zoo. Boof can usually be found in front of the television, wallowing in his own filth.