Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week Two (Michal)

In week two, Michal felt the repercussions of presenting Boof a tin of Milo in week one. This week, Michal was presented with the challenge of using Garlic and Roasted Tomato Paste, a Can of Minted Peas, Sweet Chili Philly Dip, Basil and Rosemary Vegie Sausages and a Fucking Coconut... A FUCKING COCONUT!... .... ... ........

Firstly, Michal decided that he would need some special kitchen utensils a.k.a the tool bag from the boot of his car. Michal firstly used a screwdriver and a hammer to poke a hole in the coconut to retrieve the milk. Much to his (and Boof's) surprise, there was no milk... Shame... He then proceeded to beat the coconut with a hammer for a minute until it cracked roughly in half. He took the smaller half and stabbed it with a knife for a couple of minutes to extract some of the inner coconut or coconut guts. He then gathered those guts and grated them and placed the gratings into a bowl.

He proceeded to cut up his Veggie sausages into smaller pieces and fried them in the pan. While it was frying, he put a dash of salt, pepper and surprise herb (no idea what it is). Once the sausages were almost cooked, he threw two handfuls of minted peas into the frying pan in the hope of lightly frying them and retaining some of that taste and getting rid of some of that disgusting stupid minted taste (Michal hates Minted Peas). He then put two tablespoons of Sweet Chili Philly into the bigger half of the Coconut piece and put some grated coconut over the top of the dip. He then put a small amount of un-fried peas on top of the dip to really add some colour. He then placed the peas and sausage on the place, placed the coconut bowl with the dip on the place and then put the tomato paste on the side of plate. It is there to mix with the peas to once again, abolish some of that harsh minted pea taste.

Overall, Michal scored an average score this week, slightly less than his first week. For Presentation, Michal's scored 8. The use of the coconut was a very nice touch, there was plenty of colour and it looked quite intriguing. Michal scored a 7 out of 10 for creativity. The reason being is purely because of the way he utilised his ingredients without using any other ingredients to add to the meal. Finally, Michal received a 6 out of 10 for the taste. The minted peas tasted like ass no matter what you did to it, the sausages were great and the sweet chiliy philly dip with coconut was another surprising combination. It seems that Michal has been able to successfully combine odd ingredients two weeks in a row. Michal finishes week 2 with a score of 21.

So far, Michal is up to 45 out of 60 points.

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