Monday, May 17, 2010

Week One (Michal)

First week of FoodRape 2010 and Michal was given the challenge of cooking a meal using Mi-Goreng, Vegie Burgers, 1 Apple, Pumpkin Cuppasoup and Canned Corn.

He decided to cook the Mi-Goreng as per usual and then added a quarter of a shredded apple and corn. He cooked 2 Veggie burgers as per normal on the pan and cooking oil. As a pumpkin style gravy, he used two packets of the Pumpkin Cuppasoup and mixed it with half a mug (yes he used a mug as a measuring utensil) of soy milk and a teaspoon of butter. Boiled it for a long period of time until it thickened. Just before serving, he added another quarter mug of soy milk and stirred it in till the sauce loosened up in consistency.

He then used the rest of the apple and attempted to caramelise the apple in a frying pan with sugar, butter and cooking oil. He had no idea how to camerlise but knew that it sounded fancy and involved some form of brandy. Because he does not own brandy... he decided that butter and cooking oil may do the trick. He added sugar to that and kept cooking until things began to smell. He served his applecrap with maple syrup in the hope that it would retain some flavour.

All up, Michal scored 8 out of 10 for Presentation because the dishes did not encompass any colour apart from brown and orange (diarrhoea central). He received 9/10 for creativity even thou he cooked the Mi-Goreng as per usual, the choice to add shredded apples to the noodles and also not to mention that the sauce made from soy milk and pumpkin Cuppasoup turned out to be edible, tasty and a nice touch to the meal. And finally, Michal received a 7/10 for taste. His desert was terrible..., but the noodles and Veggie burger with Pumpkin Cuppasoup Sauce were surprising in taste and no food poisoning has occured thus far.

All up, after the first week, Michal has scored 24/30. Therefore, his first week can be dubbed a success.

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