Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Boof Week 5 Exam Special: Lucky Dip

The Exam Special continues, with the $5 budget, and the obligatory Mi Goreng. The twist is that all 10 ingredients go into a hat, and the boys choose 5 ingredients at random. From out of the hat, Boof pulled:

A milky bar
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Macaroni and Cheese packet mix

For those of you who don't know what anchovette is: it is a sandwich spread made from mashed anchovies. It smells and tastes awful. And it looks like catfood.

So at first, Boof was stumped. To get ideas, he experimented with putting anchovette and sweetened condensed milk on toast; it was bad. So, Boof refined the idea, and came up with something eerily similar to Michal...

Boof made the packet pasta as per the directions; 1 cup of milk, 1/4 cup of water and a teaspoon of margerine, all in a saucepan to boil. However, Boof mixed the Mi Goreng flavouring and .00652 of a gram of anchovette into the water, which then went into the saucepan. While that was boiling away, Boof buttered two slices of bread, and put them under the grill; butter side up. Once the bread had nicely toasted, he flipped them over, and poured sweetened condensed milk over the top. At this point, the pasta started to stick to the pan, so Boof turned down the heat, and stirred it for a bit. He then noticed a burning smell coming from the grill.

The bread was fucked. Burnt to a crisp, and the sweetened condensed milk looked like burnt cheese. Taking a leaf from Michal's book, Boof put some butter in a frying pan, and cooked up the bread that way. The difference being, of course, that one side of each bread slice had a generous portion of condensed milk poured over it. Boof removed the bread from the pan just in time, burning his finger in the process. The pasta went on top. The final touch was the milky bar, which Boof sliced in half, and placed on top of the whole lot.

It didn't look too bad. Kind of average. The milky bar gave it an added cool touch though. A 7/10 was decided for presentation. For creativity, a 8/10 was awarded. Chocolate, condensed milk and cheesy mac? It couldn't possibly taste any good, right?


It tasted awesome. On its own, the pasta was way too salty (owing to the Mi Goreng flavouring), but when combined with the sweet toast and white chocolate, it was superb. It was still a little salty though, so an 8/10 was decided for taste.

This gives Boof a score of 23/30 for the week, and an overall score of 103/150.

Michal Week 5 Exam Special: Lucky Dip

Boof and Michal decided to continue with the Exam Special tradition in week 5 considering that exams are still on at Deakin University. This week we thought that we would try something different once again. This week, we utilised the $5 student budget for the ingredients and then both Boof and Michal wrote the ingredients on small pieces of paper and put them into a hat.

Lucky Dip!

This week, the ingredients Michal had to use were:
- Mi-Goreng
- A Pear
- Baby Capers
- Mint
- Brown Onion Gravy

Michal proceeded to boil the Mi-Goreng noodles, completely discarding the flavouring. He boiled water and mixed the brown onion gravy mix and whisked it until it thickened. Michal then let this gravy set for a little bit in a bowl. He began melting butter into a frying pan and then fried two pieces of bread. Once the bread was ready, he placed it on the plate, mixed the noodles in together with some baby capers and the brown onion gravy until it was one thick shitty stew looking spew. And then placed some of that on the toast and it was ready.

For dessert, Michal cut the pear into three pieces: from small to large. He then proceeded to spread some sugar over the pieces and placed it in the oven at 250 degrees. After 15 minutes, Michal took the pieces out and made tower out of it. He then sprinkled some mint over the top of it and served it up. The sugar had melted really nicely and had caramelized over the pear pieces.

This week, Michal scored a 7 out of 10 for taste. Essentially, the main meal was mediocre. It wasn't anything special, the toast tasted nice but the rest of it was... well it was... "meh". The dessert on the other hand, was absolutely amazing! It caramelized perfectly and the mint was an amazing touch! Presentation, once again, the main meal was mediocre but the pear was once again smashing, bringing Michal a 7 out of 10 for presentation. Michal was lacking in creativity this week, Both him and Boof agreed that Michal should receive a 6 out of 10.

This brings Michal's total for the week to 20 out of 30.

His running total is 113/150

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Michal Week 4 Exam Special

For our Exam Special, we had to buy each other 5 ingredients with a budget of only $5 (true uni value). One of these ingredients had to be a packet of Mi-Goreng because we decided that all uni students love good ol' Mi-G.

This week, Boof bought Michal:
- 6 pack of English Muffins
- Mi-Goreng
- Condensed Creamed Mushroom Soup
- A Potato
- A Cherry

This week, Michal got a break, the ingredients that Boof had presented him were easy, not as fucking weird as a fucking coconut or fucking a parsnip....... Fuck.... Michal began by pre-heating the over to 180 degrees. He then emptied the contents of the condensed mushroom soup into a pot and began slowly cooking it. Over the course of the cooking period, he would pour some water and some soy milk to make the soup more soupy. He also added a touch of salt and some pepper to it. It failed in the end anyway. He took the potato and thinly sliced half of it into thin round pieces and cut the rest of it up into fries. He placed cooking oil into a frying pan, some pepper and a touch of salt and fried the potato chips and slices up.

He then took two english muffins and cut them in half. He then took two halves and cut a circle out of them in the middle. He spread Philidelphia cheese on the other halves and placed all of them in the oven to warm up. He took the Mi-Goreng Noodles and boiled just the noodles. Once the fries and potato slices were ready, he took the potato slices and placed them on top of the two halves of english muffin which had the Philidelphia cheese spread on it. He then placed the boiled noodles (once he strained them) and on top of the potato slices and poured a little bit of tomato sauce on top of that. He then placed the other two halves which had the holes cut out of them on top of that to make a burger looking thingy. He poured a swirl of tomato sauce on that and placed them back in the oven to warm up (Michal called them boobs because they looked like boobs).

Following me camera guy?

He took another english muffin and cut it in half. He took one half and spread it with butter and also placed it in the oven so that it could warm up and melt. Once the soup had cooked, he served it in a bowl and used the aforementioned muffin as dipping bread.

Now for desert. Michal used the two round patches that he cut out of the english muffins and put them into a frying pan with some butter. He fried them up until they were crispy. He then placed htem on top of each other with honey in the middle and placed the cherry on top of that. Desert!

All up, Michal's dish had a lot going on. He was able to use the english muffins three times in three different meals. He served the main with those boob burgers and fries. The dipping bread was placed on the same plate, the soup was put in a seperate bowl and then desert was on its own. Loner...

It was a unanimous decision that Michal's presentation was outstanding (for a N00b) and he scored a 9 out of 10 (Both Boof and Michal liked the boobs... burgers). Boof believed that Creativity was once again an essential factor in Michal's cooking. Michal scored an 8 out of 10 in that field. Now the fun part... TASTE! Michal tried the soup, and automatically declared it a fail. It was pathetic... He can't make soup to save his life. The Boob burgers on the other hand were surprising, they tasted interesting (in a good way), unique in texture and looked very sexy. The Desert was also quite nice for a pompous little thing. All up, for taste, Michal got a 7 out of 10.

This gives Michal a 24 out of 30 for Week 4 Exam Special.
Total running score thus far for Michal is 93/120...

What will next week hold?

Boof Week 4 Exam Special


For this week's FoodRape Exam Special, Boof and Michal had to buy each other $5 worth of ingredients, one of which has to be a packet of Mi Goreng.

Michal bought, for Boof,

A potato
Mi Goreng
A mango chupa-chup
A tin of tuna


A can of V.

Yes, V. The energy drink. Michal's revenge was at hand. Coconut, squash and parsnip had nothing on the sweet, tangy liquid contained within this small garish can.

Boof was fucked. He had absolutely no idea. At all. V? What the hell is this? I don't know what to do with V! Boof's first thought was to make V mashed potato. But, that was too close to Milo mashed potato. So, he went out on a limb.

Grabbing an extra potato, Boof sliced the potatoes into thin chips. He poured the V into a small frying pan and a large frying pan. The chips went into the big frying pan, and the tuna went into the small frying pan. The idea was that, once all the V had boiled off, Boof would be left with V infused tuna and chips. This didn't really work however, so once all the V had congealed into a syrup, Boof added some oil to the chips, to get them crispy.

For the dessert, Boof broke up the noodles, and discarded the Mi Goreng flavouring. He used his phone-a-friend, and asked Michal how to best crush the chupa-chup. so with a hammer and tea towel, the mango lolly was promptly pulverised. The noodles and mango powder went into a mixing bowl, with a mixture of milk and Blue Heaven topping. Then, into a saucepan on the stove until the milk started to boil. Then it went into a bowl, and in the fridge.

The resulting meal was foul. The chips turned out to be intriugingly awful, but Michal could not stop eating them (except for the burnt ones). The tuna actually tasted alright, except for the disgusting after-taste that nearly induced vomiting. Boof wasn't game enough to try the blue noodles, and Michal was speechless. The look on his face told the story though. It was eventually decided that Boof would get a 2/10 for taste, because the chips were addictive, and the tuna wasn't actually that bad until you stopped eating it. Presentation wise, the tuna looked like cat-food, the chips were black and sticky, and the dessert looked like someone had eaten blue fairy floss, then chucked into a bowl. A 2/10 was decided for the presentation, because the noodles were a pleasing blue colour.

Creativity wise, Boof and Michal decided on a 9/10.

So all up, Boof gets a 13/30 out of 30

Boof's running total is 80/120 at the end of Week 4.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Michal Week 3

We apologies for the late Week 3 for Michal as he was incredibly unwell last week and was not able to rape his food as per usual. Even though it is week 4, Michal was able to catch up on his food raping as his needs were not met during his time off. The ingredients Michal had to cook with was:
- Can of Kidney Beans
- Squash x3
- Parsnip x2
- Large Bag of Doritos Corn Chips (Cheese Supreme Flavour)
- Cottage Cheese

These ingredients had baffled Michal as he has never used parsnip before in his life nor has he even ate a squash. This called for some much curious exploration. Trial and Error... After tasting the squash and parsnip (raw = yucky), he then continue with his brainstorming of what the fuck he could do with these ingredients.

After much thought, and a tear or two... Michal began creating this weeks foodrape meal. He started by pre-heating the oven to 200 degrees and picking out the larger Dorito chips and placing them carefully on a pizza pan. He then placed small squares of cheese on each chip. He then thinly sliced his squash and placed one slice on top of the chip and the cheese.

Michal then proceeded to wash the parsnip (it looked dirty) and shave small strips of parsnip. He then placed a matchstick size piece of cheese on top of the squash and placed one shaved piece of parsnip on top of that. Finally, he placed another match stick size piece of cheese on the very top, essentially creating a tower of ingredients balancing on these chips (chode tower).
He placed these chode-like chip towers into the oven and let them bake (soon realising that 200 was maybe too hot so he dropped it down to 150.

Once they were in the oven, Michal grabbed 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese and put it into a small bowl. He then diced a tomato into small pieces and mixed that into the cottage cheese. He grabbed two tablespoons of kidney beans (without the disgusting fucking juice water shit) and also mixed them into the cottage cheese. Because we don't have a blender, Michal thought he would improvise and grabbed two knives and started stabbing the mixed cottage cheese, breaking apart the kidney beans and tomato. Once it was all mixed together nicely, he placed some rocket leaves as garnish and put the bowl in the center of the plate.

He took the chips out of the oven and let them cool down a bit, placing them around the bowl. He cut a small chunk out of a squash and stuck it onto the side of the bowl. He was finished.

Much to his surprise, the dish was not a complete failure. First of all, the presentation of the dish was amazing. Both Boof and Michal agreed that the presentation would score a 9 out of 10. Creativity was unanimously decided on as being scored an 8 out of 10 as it was different and unique in its own way, there could have been room for something that bit more. Now the scary part.... taste... Michal tasted it first and did not die. Boof soon followed suit. It was amazing to think that this dish.... tasted good.... Like.... What the Fuck?... So far no food poisoning nor any deaths. Success... Michal scored 7 out of 10 for taste.

This leaves Michal with a total of 24 out of 30 for Week 3.

After week 3, Michal is at a total of 69 out of 90. He gets the sexy number... for OBVIOUS reasons.....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Boof Week 3

Due to Michal's irresponsible tomato sauce binge last night (he snorted it), he is too sick to get Boof the Ultimate Challenge Ingredient, or even to Rape tonight. Thus, he will have to Double Rape next week.

But, in his tomato sauce induced delerium, he did manage to procure for Boof:

Banana chips
Turkish Pide bread
A Continental Cucumber

Boof was at first quite stumped. He thought of maybe making a Turkish style char-grilled vegetable thing with banana chips. But then he had a better idea. In anticipation, the oven was pre-heated to way-too-hot.

He cut the turkish bread in half, and then in half again. He now had two pieces of turkish bread, cut in half. He used last week's Garlic and Roasted Onion tomato paste and shredded mozzarella to make a base, on which he stacked the banana chips, diced eggplant and cucumber slices. This was then coated with more cheese, and a couple sprigs of brocolli were delicately placed on top.
Boof then bunged the whole thing on some trays in the oven, and turned it down to a reasonable 200 degrees celcius.

And waited.

And nearly waited too long, because he didn't realise that it only takes 10 minutes to cook a pizza at 200 degrees.

They looked fantastic! The colours, the crispiness, the everything!

And it tasted as great as it looked! Well, it was a little bland. But the banana chips were not disgusting, as Boof thought they might be.

All up, Boof gets a 7/10 for creativity, a 9/10 for presentation, and a 8/10 for taste!

This picks Boof's score up to 67/90.