Thursday, June 10, 2010

Boof Week 4 Exam Special


For this week's FoodRape Exam Special, Boof and Michal had to buy each other $5 worth of ingredients, one of which has to be a packet of Mi Goreng.

Michal bought, for Boof,

A potato
Mi Goreng
A mango chupa-chup
A tin of tuna


A can of V.

Yes, V. The energy drink. Michal's revenge was at hand. Coconut, squash and parsnip had nothing on the sweet, tangy liquid contained within this small garish can.

Boof was fucked. He had absolutely no idea. At all. V? What the hell is this? I don't know what to do with V! Boof's first thought was to make V mashed potato. But, that was too close to Milo mashed potato. So, he went out on a limb.

Grabbing an extra potato, Boof sliced the potatoes into thin chips. He poured the V into a small frying pan and a large frying pan. The chips went into the big frying pan, and the tuna went into the small frying pan. The idea was that, once all the V had boiled off, Boof would be left with V infused tuna and chips. This didn't really work however, so once all the V had congealed into a syrup, Boof added some oil to the chips, to get them crispy.

For the dessert, Boof broke up the noodles, and discarded the Mi Goreng flavouring. He used his phone-a-friend, and asked Michal how to best crush the chupa-chup. so with a hammer and tea towel, the mango lolly was promptly pulverised. The noodles and mango powder went into a mixing bowl, with a mixture of milk and Blue Heaven topping. Then, into a saucepan on the stove until the milk started to boil. Then it went into a bowl, and in the fridge.

The resulting meal was foul. The chips turned out to be intriugingly awful, but Michal could not stop eating them (except for the burnt ones). The tuna actually tasted alright, except for the disgusting after-taste that nearly induced vomiting. Boof wasn't game enough to try the blue noodles, and Michal was speechless. The look on his face told the story though. It was eventually decided that Boof would get a 2/10 for taste, because the chips were addictive, and the tuna wasn't actually that bad until you stopped eating it. Presentation wise, the tuna looked like cat-food, the chips were black and sticky, and the dessert looked like someone had eaten blue fairy floss, then chucked into a bowl. A 2/10 was decided for the presentation, because the noodles were a pleasing blue colour.

Creativity wise, Boof and Michal decided on a 9/10.

So all up, Boof gets a 13/30 out of 30

Boof's running total is 80/120 at the end of Week 4.

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