Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Boof Week 5 Exam Special: Lucky Dip

The Exam Special continues, with the $5 budget, and the obligatory Mi Goreng. The twist is that all 10 ingredients go into a hat, and the boys choose 5 ingredients at random. From out of the hat, Boof pulled:

A milky bar
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Macaroni and Cheese packet mix

For those of you who don't know what anchovette is: it is a sandwich spread made from mashed anchovies. It smells and tastes awful. And it looks like catfood.

So at first, Boof was stumped. To get ideas, he experimented with putting anchovette and sweetened condensed milk on toast; it was bad. So, Boof refined the idea, and came up with something eerily similar to Michal...

Boof made the packet pasta as per the directions; 1 cup of milk, 1/4 cup of water and a teaspoon of margerine, all in a saucepan to boil. However, Boof mixed the Mi Goreng flavouring and .00652 of a gram of anchovette into the water, which then went into the saucepan. While that was boiling away, Boof buttered two slices of bread, and put them under the grill; butter side up. Once the bread had nicely toasted, he flipped them over, and poured sweetened condensed milk over the top. At this point, the pasta started to stick to the pan, so Boof turned down the heat, and stirred it for a bit. He then noticed a burning smell coming from the grill.

The bread was fucked. Burnt to a crisp, and the sweetened condensed milk looked like burnt cheese. Taking a leaf from Michal's book, Boof put some butter in a frying pan, and cooked up the bread that way. The difference being, of course, that one side of each bread slice had a generous portion of condensed milk poured over it. Boof removed the bread from the pan just in time, burning his finger in the process. The pasta went on top. The final touch was the milky bar, which Boof sliced in half, and placed on top of the whole lot.

It didn't look too bad. Kind of average. The milky bar gave it an added cool touch though. A 7/10 was decided for presentation. For creativity, a 8/10 was awarded. Chocolate, condensed milk and cheesy mac? It couldn't possibly taste any good, right?


It tasted awesome. On its own, the pasta was way too salty (owing to the Mi Goreng flavouring), but when combined with the sweet toast and white chocolate, it was superb. It was still a little salty though, so an 8/10 was decided for taste.

This gives Boof a score of 23/30 for the week, and an overall score of 103/150.

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