Thursday, June 10, 2010

Michal Week 4 Exam Special

For our Exam Special, we had to buy each other 5 ingredients with a budget of only $5 (true uni value). One of these ingredients had to be a packet of Mi-Goreng because we decided that all uni students love good ol' Mi-G.

This week, Boof bought Michal:
- 6 pack of English Muffins
- Mi-Goreng
- Condensed Creamed Mushroom Soup
- A Potato
- A Cherry

This week, Michal got a break, the ingredients that Boof had presented him were easy, not as fucking weird as a fucking coconut or fucking a parsnip....... Fuck.... Michal began by pre-heating the over to 180 degrees. He then emptied the contents of the condensed mushroom soup into a pot and began slowly cooking it. Over the course of the cooking period, he would pour some water and some soy milk to make the soup more soupy. He also added a touch of salt and some pepper to it. It failed in the end anyway. He took the potato and thinly sliced half of it into thin round pieces and cut the rest of it up into fries. He placed cooking oil into a frying pan, some pepper and a touch of salt and fried the potato chips and slices up.

He then took two english muffins and cut them in half. He then took two halves and cut a circle out of them in the middle. He spread Philidelphia cheese on the other halves and placed all of them in the oven to warm up. He took the Mi-Goreng Noodles and boiled just the noodles. Once the fries and potato slices were ready, he took the potato slices and placed them on top of the two halves of english muffin which had the Philidelphia cheese spread on it. He then placed the boiled noodles (once he strained them) and on top of the potato slices and poured a little bit of tomato sauce on top of that. He then placed the other two halves which had the holes cut out of them on top of that to make a burger looking thingy. He poured a swirl of tomato sauce on that and placed them back in the oven to warm up (Michal called them boobs because they looked like boobs).

Following me camera guy?

He took another english muffin and cut it in half. He took one half and spread it with butter and also placed it in the oven so that it could warm up and melt. Once the soup had cooked, he served it in a bowl and used the aforementioned muffin as dipping bread.

Now for desert. Michal used the two round patches that he cut out of the english muffins and put them into a frying pan with some butter. He fried them up until they were crispy. He then placed htem on top of each other with honey in the middle and placed the cherry on top of that. Desert!

All up, Michal's dish had a lot going on. He was able to use the english muffins three times in three different meals. He served the main with those boob burgers and fries. The dipping bread was placed on the same plate, the soup was put in a seperate bowl and then desert was on its own. Loner...

It was a unanimous decision that Michal's presentation was outstanding (for a N00b) and he scored a 9 out of 10 (Both Boof and Michal liked the boobs... burgers). Boof believed that Creativity was once again an essential factor in Michal's cooking. Michal scored an 8 out of 10 in that field. Now the fun part... TASTE! Michal tried the soup, and automatically declared it a fail. It was pathetic... He can't make soup to save his life. The Boob burgers on the other hand were surprising, they tasted interesting (in a good way), unique in texture and looked very sexy. The Desert was also quite nice for a pompous little thing. All up, for taste, Michal got a 7 out of 10.

This gives Michal a 24 out of 30 for Week 4 Exam Special.
Total running score thus far for Michal is 93/120...

What will next week hold?

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